No. 41
Downing Street,
16 July 1860
In another despatch I have authorized you to adopt 4s/2d per acre as the upset price of all Country Lands in Vancouver's Island, the same price, after once the land has been offered to sale without being purchased, to become a fixed price at which it may beManuscript imagebe disposed of without further auction. By the present despatch I have the honor to authorize you to apply the same course of proceeding to the Public Lands in British Columbia.
So far as regards the occupation of land with a right of preemption, you are aware from the Duke of Newcastle's despatch No 23 of the 7th of May that His GraceManuscript image has suspended his opinion until receiving a report expected from you on the subject of Captain Clarke's scheme. The wish of the Government will be to adopt such plan as, whilst it shall guard against abuses and against an undue appropriation of land by individuals who have not the means of turning it to real account, shall at the same time be best suited to the circumstancesManuscript imagecircumstances of British Columbia.
I have the honor to be
Your Obedient Servant
G.C. Lewis
Lewis, George C. to Douglas, Sir James 16 July 1860, LAC :, 278. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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