No. 71
15 November 1861
I have the honour of transmitting for Your Grace's information,
Copies of two Acts which I have lately passed for the Colony of
British ColumbiaEntitled
Entitled as follows:
1. "
New Westminster Municipal Council Extension Act
2. "Harrison Lillooet Portage N
o 2 Roads Bonds Act
2. The first of those Acts was passed at the petition of the
inhabitants, for the purpose of including within the limits of
New Westminster for Municipal purposes, a tract of land, 10 chains in width, not before included,
and also in order to add
two Councillors to the original number of seven appointed under
the provisions of the "
New Westminster Municipal Act 1860."
3. The object of the Harrison Lillooet Road Bonds Act, is
to provide for the creation of
British Columbia Bonds to the
amount of £3000, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum, for the purpose of defraying a part of the cost of
forming the Harrison Lillooet Road,
which could not be conveniently
met out of the revenue of the current year, and arrangements will
be made, as required, to meet this liability.
4. There being nothing in these Acts of an unusual nature,
I venture to recommend them for Her Majesty's approval.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
If there is no objection to the financial arrangement in N
o 12
or ref
ce to the T-y necessary in respect of them, Confirm both
For so small an amount I see no sufficient ground of objection or
necessity for a reference. I think therefore that both laws may be
Other documents included in the file