Total amount paid by the Treasury
to 31 March 1860 £69.664.10.4
to 31 March 1861 (estimated) 35.474
Deduct Parly Votes
to 31 Mch 1860 £42.998
" 31 " 1861 30.000 72.998
Balance due to the
Treasury Chest £32,140
Of this £18.718, about £6000 are due by the War Department
on account of
San Juan and there are also 2 1/2 years Reg
Pay of the R. Engineers recoverable from that Department—amounting
probably to £12000 or £13,000.
Our Item of £2000, beyond the sum required for the
current services of the year, has been inserted in the
Estimate for 1861-62.