Hudson's Bay House
27 August 1861
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Fortescue's letter of the
9th instant communicating to me,
by the directions of Your Grace, the substance of a despatch
recently received from
Governor Douglas on the subject of the claims of the Hudson's Bay Company to land in
British Columbia,
in which he suggests as a basis for the settlement of those
claims—first, as regards Country lots that the places occupied
by the Company as existing Forts or Posts; and which are necessary
for carrying on their business, should be transferred to the
Company in
fee together with all fenced or cultivated lands, if
not exceeding One hundred acres of Country land in any one grant,
except, at
New Langley and
Kamloops where the grants should be
increased to five hundred acres each, and secondly, as regards
town lots that the Company be restricted to lots actually occupied
by their business premises.
In reply I beg to assure Your Grace that it is the earnest
desire of the Hudson's Bay Company to put an end to the differences
existing on this subject, on any terms that may appear to be
reasonable, and I trust that the suggestions thrown out by
Governor Douglas furnish ground for hoping that an arrangement may now be come to.
The limit put by
Governor Douglas upon the quantity of land
to be transferred to the Company, in connection with their
different Forts and Posts bears, in most cases, but a small
proportion to the amount to which they have laid claim, and
which claims they certainly understood
Governor Douglas,
(from the terms of his despatch to Your Grace under date the
31st day of May 1859, and transmitted to me by Your Grace's
direction under date the
14th September 1859) to have
admitted as well founded. But still the wish of this Company
being to have the question settled in such a manner as that
their rights shall be clearly defined, so that they may be
enabled to pursue their business without further
or intrusion, they are ready to adopt the proposal of
Douglas as a general proposition, coupled however, with certain
modifications rendered necessary by local circumstances, where
it is clear that the quantity of land proposed to be given is not
sufficient for the carrying on of the Company's trade.
I shall not trouble your Grace by entering into an
examination of
Governor Douglas's proposition as applicable to
each particular Post or Fort, as it would require an intimate
local knowledge of the places in question, but I herewith enclose
a statement drawn up by a Gentleman who has recently returned
Vancouver's Island where he acted
for the last three years
as representative of the Company, and from which Your Grace will
observe that there is no disposition on the part of the Company
to be exacting in their demands, or to require more space than
is actually required for the maintenance of their establishments
on their present footing. The terms suggested are in some instances
almost the same, in others only a trifle larger than those proposed
Governor Douglas, and I trust that there is no difference which can be considered essential. Upon
the whole I may state that
the Company will be prepared to come to a settlement, substantially,
on the terms proposed by
Governor Douglas if they be
allowed to
purchase such other portions of the lands to which they lay claim as
they find it may be necessary for the purposes of their trade,
at the fixed price demanded by the Government for the lands in
the Colony, not charging the Company with any extra value attaching
to the lands in question, and which can only have arisen from the
outlay made upon them by this Company.
With regard to what are called "Town Lots" I have to submit
that the rights of the Company should not be restricted to the
ground actually built upon, but that they should be allowed a
certain open space around each lot of from 60 to 100 feet which
they are advised by their Agents in the Colony will be essential
for their protection as
well against fire as against the inroads
of the Indians.
If Her Majesty's Government are prepared to assent to a
settlement of the Company's claims upon the basis I have here
suggested I presume it will be necessary that the Government
should appoint some one in the Colony, and the Company do the
same, for the purpose of carrying this arrangement into effect,
and giving to this Company an indisputable title to what may be
made over to them.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Fortescue
This appears to me satisfactory in the highest degree.
wd write to the Comp
y acknowledging the liberal
way (for so I think it is) in
wh they have met the
proposals of
Govr Douglas, and stating that though the
D. of N. could not lend himself to a definite opinion
upon questions of detail requiring so much of local
knowledge for their decision, it appears to him that little
difficulty could be experienced in concluding this affair
on the general basis laid down in
Mr Dallas' memorandum.
That he would propose that the Comp
y or their Solicitor
shd place themselves in communication with the Emg
d on the subject, who
wd receive the instructions
requisite in order to bring the matter into a definite shape.
That some modification
wd be required in the
proposal of
Mr Dallas that the Comp
y s
d have
"the right of purchase at the minimum price of all or
any portions of the Cy's (unascertained) claims."
But that probably there
wd be no difficulty in
giving the Company every requisite facility for purchasing
what they require (purchases
wh it is the clear intent
Govt to promote rather than discourage) with
giving them any such indefinite preemptive power as
act as a discouragement to settlement.
My impression is that this is really an opportunity
for settling the Matter, & that it wd be very foolish
to go off upon a few thousand acres more or less—provided
that neither the grants themselves, nor
the preemption or other hanging rights of the Compy
are such as to obstruct the settlement of the Country.
Duke of Newcastle
I talked this matter over with
Sir F.R. before leaving the Office & quite agree with him that it is an occasion on wh.
we may meet the H.B.Co. in a friendly spirit.
The only part of this proposal which appears to me doubtful
and likely to involve us in difficulty is that respecting
"Town Lots." Would the proposal for 60 or 100 feet around
each lot entail the acquisition by the Company of a Street
laid out for Public use? Whether there is really anything
in this doubt must depend upon local circumstances.
Upon the whole I think the deviations from
Govrs terms may be conceded.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
People in this document
Berens, Henry Hulse
Dallas, Alexander Grant
Douglas, Sir James
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Maynard, Joseph
Murdoch, Thomas William Clinton
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Pennell, Edmund Burke
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Walcott, Stephen
Places in this document
British Columbia
Fort Langley
Vancouver Island