With reference to your letter dated
17th Instant enclosing
copy of a Despatch from the Governor of
British Columbia with a
Proclamation which provides for raising a Loan not exceeding
£50,000, I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's
Treasury to transmit to you copy of certain Observations by
Mr Julyan, Agent General for Crown Colonies, on this Proclamation,
and I am to request that you will state to the
Duke of Newcastle
that it appears to My Lords very probable that on the receipt of
the Despatch of
16 June last, founded on the Treasury letter of
the same date, the Governor
may have taken steps in conformity with
the precise instructions conveyed to him, whereby most of the
objections raised by
Mr Julyan will have been removed, and that
it will be better to defer any proceedings on this Proclamation
until a further communication shall have been received from the
In the meanwhile the substance of the Observations might be
communicated to the Governor, and he might be informed that as
the money is to be raised in England it will be necessary that
the Agents General should be advised regularly of the Local Rates
of Exchange on
London, in order that they may
be enabled to judge
of the most advantageous mode of remitting the money to the Colony.