27 Rue Demours
Thernes Paris
March 1st 1862
My Lord Duke
The growing importance of
British Columbia—whence I have lately
returned—is my excuse for briefly calling your Lordships attention
to a state of things in that and the sister Colony [earnestly?]
calling for special intervention.
Governor Douglas is a clever man—considering his
opportunities he is not exempt from the influence of self
interest. All his possessions and those of the Hudsons Bay C
on the Pacific Coast are on
Vancouver Island and he naturally
endeavours to [alt?] it at the expense of the mainland. That he has
succeeded is only too easily proved by a comparison [of] the
value of real estate in
Victoria and
New Westminster.
He first encouraged the belief that
Fraser River was only accessible to small coasting

vessels of light draft of water
untill he cajoled the mercantile immigrants to establish
themselves in
Victoria where they are now as it were rooted. But since the able report of
Captt Richards RN dispelled that
illusion the Governor is endeavouring to discover a shorter
northern route to the
Carriboo country (via
Benticks Inlet) than
that by the valley of
the Fraser, which latter is obviously the
natural line of road to the interior and would—as I will show—open
up other vast resources of [made?].
But as I have already said, all
he desires is to secure the supremacy of
Victoria by opening up
another avenue of Supply to its merchants.
In order to demonstrate at a glance to [His] Lordship the grievous
injustice to the consumer in
British Columbia which this policy
entails I have only to state that the freight shipping charge
insurance &c &c &c from
or Liverpool to either
Victoria or
New Westminster are about equal, but as all merchandize is at present
shipped to
Victoria it is subsequently saddled with a cost in
transhipment across the
Gulph of Georgia fully more than the
entire of that from England around
the Horn which of course the
poor Digger has to pay in addition to the 10 p cent Customs Duty.
Captain Richards has conclusively discovered—there is not
a finer, safer or more accessible harbour on the Pacific Coast than
that within
Frasers River—nor can the world produce a more
magnificent naval station than
Burroughs Inlet—almost an adjunct
New Westminster—yet through the adroitness of
Governor Douglas
consistently aided by
Mr Fraser "The Correspondent of The
Times" (the largest proprietor of real estate in
Victoria) We
have been studiously kept in the back ground—in order to
enhance the

estimation of the [rural ports?] in the Island.
In a [word?] my Lord Duke if you [but put in?]
British Columbia
an independent energetic Governor (not
Col Moody) its progress
will transcend that of any other of the British Colonies, for its
mineral and other resources—as it will show by exploration and
comparison—exceed those of other either California or Australia
in extent and variety.
Hoping your Grace will excuse the [freedom?] of this communication.
I have the Honor to remain Your Graces faithful Servant
William Kelly F.R.G.S.
Minutes by CO staff
Whatever may be the real motive wh
h has induced
Kelly to address the
Duke of Newcastle—whether hostility against
Govr Douglas, or interest, public or private, in
B. Columbia—it will, I think, be proper to ack
e the rec
t of
this communication.
Other documents included in the file
Fortescue to
12 March 1862, acknowledging receipt of
his letter.