Townsend to Under-Secretary of State
34 Hunter St
Brunswick Square WC
February 12/62
In a Parliamentary Paper published in
1859, on the subject of
the former colony, I find much relevant information; and should be
glad to know

whether I could obtain permission to reproduce any
part or parts of it that might seem desirable, for publication in
the manner named? Acknowledging of course, the source from whence
it is obtained.
I am informed that a second Parliamentary Paper on
Columbia is expected to be shortly published, and I should feel
obliged if you would have me informed also whether this is the
case, &, if so, whether the same permission could

be granted with
regard to it for which I ask a reference to the first named publication?
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obed
t Servant
H. Townsend
To the Under Secretary of State
for the Colonies
&c &c &c
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The more publicity which can be given to
B. Columbia the better I
think: nor can there be any impropriety in the Writer availing
himself of the information contained in the Parliamentary Blue
Books. It
shd be mentioned to him that 3 series of the
Correspondence have been issued & that a 4
th will shortly be out.
Certainly—give him the numbers and dates which identify the
Parliamentary Papers. Draft.
Papers presented by Command.
18th Feb: 1859 - Part I
12 Augt 1859 - Part II
—- 1860 - Part III
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
14 February 1862, advising there was no
objection to his publishing portions of the parliamentary papers,
and providing the dates and numbers of relevant information.