18 May 1863
There is nothing of much importance beyond the anticipated
and progressive improvement of the Colony with which I need trouble
Your Grace at the present time. Winter has happily passed
without any untoward event to mark its course; and the return of
the genial season has awakened a lively interest in the Mining and
general commercial pursuits of the Country.
2. The Revenue derived from Customs and Road Tolls has, I am glad
to observe, fully kept pace with the growing interests of the Colony,
the receipts having for the 4 months ending with the
30th ofApril
yielded the sum of Twenty two thousand six hundred and eighty pounds
(£22,680) against Twelve thousand three hundred and eighty six pounds
(£12,386), for the same period of
being an increase on these two branches of the public revenue of
nearly 83 per cent, in favour of the present year.
3. For the last 10 weeks the emigration of Miners and other
persons from
Vancouver Island and the neighbouring Territories
of the United States
has been large and incessant. The reports of the Gold Commissioners represent that
about 2000 persons have passed through
Yale on
their way to the Upper Country, and that an equal number have
entered the Colony by the way of "
Douglas" and "
4. The mildness of the past winter was highly favorable to
the Mining interests of the Colony, the cold having been on no
so severe as to cause a suspension of work on the river
claims for more than a few days at a time, and such interruptions
from weather were not of frequent occurrence. The small body of
hardy adventurers who, notwithstanding the exaggerated hardships
of the
Carribou winter, remained at that season on their claims,
were rewarded with a degree of success which can hardly fail to
operate favourably
for the substantial interests of the Colony;
the experiment having clearly proved, what before was to them,
a matter of doubt; that mining may be pursued with advantage and be made
highly remunerative even at the most inclement period of the year.
About one Million of Dollars are stated on good authority to have
been realized by the Miners on Williams Creek during the winter
months. The "Barker"claim
claim alone is said to have produced 137,000
Dollars since the month of September last, and the "Hard Curry" Claim has been even more prolific, that Company having, according
to current report which I see no reason to question, accumulated no less than 900
weight of Gold Dust within the six last months.
5. These astounding results, the reality of which is supported by
large arrivals of Gold from the Mines, have confirmed the general impression that
Carribou and other Districts of
British Columbia will surpass in the extent and richness of their auriferous deposits,
every other Gold Country in the world, an impression which has
caused an intense excitement throughout the Colony, and led to the
almost general desertion of the Towns and
Country on the lower
Regretting as I do the temporary depopulation, so caused, I am
nevertheless far from thinking the event will prove ultimately
detrimental, as the majority of the absentees will certainly
return to their homes, and probably with large means which will
be applied to the cultivation and improvement of their farms, and
to other enterprises of no less importance
to the Colony.
6. On the other hand continual accessions are being made to the
general population of the upper Country, the newly formed roads
I have recently been told by a person who has been on these roads
that they will bear comparison with our best European roads, and that
a traveller may perform the whole journey to
Cariboo on wheels or
horseback, as he prefers, & by good steam boats.
having given a prodigious impulse to settlement, by opening up valuable farming Districts
which before were virtually closed
to men of moderate means by difficulties of access, and the
enormous cost of transport, and impenetrable at any
cost for all kinds of Machinery except such as could be taken asunder, and
packed through the mountains on Mules.
Mr Commissioner O'Reilly writing from
Williams Lake on the
29th April remarks that the
road was then completed to the North end of "
Lac la Hache," a distance
of 128 Miles, and that the works had sustained no injuries
from the
effects of weather, that were not repairable at a very trifling
cost. He also observed on his way up from
Lillooet large tracts
of land that were fenced in, and at all the way side Houses great
preparations for embarking largely in farming operations; and
moreover in the District between
Bridge Creek and
Williams Lake he
states that 500 acres of land were
actually under crops of various kinds.
7. Food was still high in the mines, flour being generally
sold at 1 1/4 dollars a lb and other things at a proportionably
high rate, prices indicative of real or apprehended scarcity. A
number of Beef Cattle and Sheep had however come in, and many
more were expected by the way of Oregon, a supply which it
supposed would greatly relieve the pressure on the food markets,
and furnish a large stock of good and wholesome food.
Mr O'Reilly fully confirms the previous reports of
successful winter mining at
Carribou. To use his own words,
he goes on to say
The reports that have reached me from the
Mines exceed anything that has been yet heard of in the
Country. The
'Hard Curry' claim on
Williams Creek, in which there
are three partners is said to have taken out, in eight hours, the almost
fabulous quantity of
102 1/2 lbs weight of Gold, this I have
heard from
Mr Curry one of the lucky owners, and from others
who were present when the Gold was weighed and I have no doubt of
its correctness. Many of the other claims are likewise exceeding
the most sanguine expectations of their holders. I
shall however on my arrival at
Williams Creek transmit in detail more authentic
and on the subject of labour he adds, "Labour is in great demand, at rates varying
from 10 to 12 dollars per day."
9. The subject which now most closely engages my attention is
the formation of an efficient Escort, for the safe conveyance of
Treasure from the Mines. This was not contemplated when preparing
the estimates for the year
1863, because I conceived the country was not ripe for the measure; as the Miners treasure
their Gold and, considering it perfectly safe in their own keeping will not, as a
general thing
part with it, except for value received; therefore I felt assured
that until business Houses for the purchase and remittance of Gold
were established in the Mines there really would be very little
employment for an Escort.
10. The time has however now arrived when the measure can be
no longer with propriety, delayed. The Agent of the Chartered Bank
British Columbia has signified to me his intention of immediately establishing a
Branch at
Carribou especially for the purchase of Gold, and
he has made a demand upon the Government backed by the signatures
of the principal Mercantile Houses of this place for protection in
conveyance of Treasure to and from the Mines.
11. The protection of life and property is admittedly one of
the highest duties of Government, and a well appointed Escort
would, under ordinary circumstances, afford that protection to
property on its transit from the Mines; and moreover would, in
the peculiar circumstances of
British Columbia be attended with
many other advantages.
To illustrate these I would briefly
explain, that the bulk of gold produced in
Carribou, as business
is now conducted, remains for months at the Mines, in the hands of
the producers, and is brought down to the coast by the Miners
themselves at the close of the mining season—a system
involving a heavy loss of interest, and productive of the
most serious inconvenience to the Mercantile Community, who
are not generally
wealthy and are invariably pressed for
capital to meet their business engagements.
12. The Escort would in the first place remedy that evil by
facilitating the export of Gold from Mines and bringing it
into circulation with regularity and despatch. It would also
in a great measure put an end to the now indispensable system
of long credits and relieve trade from the exhorbitant interest
charge of 1 1/2 to 5 per cent a month, which eats up the
Merchants profits, and checks his enterprise. This would all
tend directly to the increase of Commerce; larger stocks of
goods would be thrown into the Colony and the public revenue
would be proportionately enhanced.
13. It may also fairly be assumed that one of the immediate
results of the formation of an Escort would be the establishment
of branch Banks
and good Mercantile firms in the interior of the
Colony—which would tend to produce a permanent trade and give,
what does not at present exist, a reliable commercial community
to the Colony.
14. The advantages of the Escort morally, in giving the utmost
possible security against robbery and crime, are no less apparent
than I have shewn them to be commercially.
15. The really serious objection is the heavy expense
of the
Escort, added to the possible contingency that the miners might
after all the outlay incurred, prefer keeping the Gold in their
own possession to sending it by the Escort; now the establishment
of the "Bank of
British Columbia" in the Mines, is a security to a great extent
against the latter contingency, and there being now a large quantity
of Gold produced, the expense should be fully met by
a sufficient
transit charge on the Gold exported.
16. The sum of ten thousand pounds (£10000) would I believe cover
the purchase of the equipment and the whole annual cost of an efficient
Escort. The annual produce of Gold in the
Carribou District is
estimated at One Million sterling. Assuming that one half only
was carried by the Escort it would yield at 3 per cent, the proposed
rate of charge; a
return of £15,000 Sterling, being something
considerably over the estimated cost of the Escort.
17. The Merchants of
Victoria and a large body of working Miners
have strongly urged this measure on the attention of the Government,
and are prepared to support it with all their influence, and the
Bank of
British Columbia having as before stated decided on
establishing a Branch in
Carribou for the purchase and
of Gold, there is a reasonable prospect of rendering the Escort
at once self supporting. In these circumstances the Government
would be wanting in its duty to the Public, and be justly made the
subject of the severest animadversion were it to neglect the
public interests so far as to hesitate in granting the fullest
protection and security to the trade of the Country.
18. Prompted by these considerations I have decided on forming
a Gold Escort
without delay, and I trust that the measure will meet
with Your Grace's fullest approval.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Graces most obedient
Humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Mr Fortescue will like to see this despatch before the afternoon of
Friday, when, I think, he brings in the
B.C. Renewal and Boundary Bill.
This "Gold escort" is expensive, but unavoidable. The
security to commerce which the measure will carry with it is
a benefit to the Colony more than covered by a charge of £3 per cent.
The Treasury must, as usual, be consulted.
Very favourable & interesting.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
29 July 1863, forwarding copy
of the despatch for consideration, but conveying
approval of an escort service.