2 July 1863
I have the honor to inform Your Grace of the continued
welfare of this Colony; and that the accounts, from the Mining
Districts, up to the latest dates are of a most satisfactory character.
2. The immigration which commenced so prosperously in
the early part of the season, promising a large accession to
the fixed population of the Colony, has for the last four
weeks almost entirely ceased; the effect, it is supposed, of
recent discoveries of mines of Silver and Gold at
Salmon river, which present great attractions to the
migratory population of
Oregon and California, and
have to
some extent diverted attention from the Gold Fields of
British Columbia. It is not improbable that such causes
may altogether change our present relations with these
countries, and that they may in a great measure, cease to
play the part as heretofore of fruitful nurseries for
recruiting the population of Her Majesty's Colonies on this
Coast, a contingency that will render direct emigration from
Mother Country more than ever essential to their progress.
3. The immigration of this year so far consists of about
four thousand five hundred persons (4,500 persons), chiefly able
bodied men, exclusive of women and children, a class of which
the Colony is still lamentably deficient. I may mention as a
satisfactory feature connected with the present years
immigration, that,
the immigrants of all classes appear to
have found profitable employment within the Colony and
there is still a great demand for labour at high rates of
wages, both in the mining Districts, and on the farms which
are being opened on the lines of the great trunk roads of the Country.
4. I have lately received intelligence that valuable
discoveries of rich mining ground
have been made by some
Chinese Miners on the Banks and alluvial flats of
River about 20 miles from the Town of
Lillooet. Several
Gold nuggets weighing from fifteen to twenty ounces (15 to 20 oz), have
been picked up among the debris, and the deposits of scale
gold are remarkably rich, having yielded as much as six
hundred dollars ($600) a day on claims worked by four hands. The
resident Gold
Commissioner has visited the District and
expresses a very favorable opinion of its mining capabilities.
He also speaks favourably of its general character, describing
the Country as open and accessible, abounding in grassy plains
and possessing an agreeable climate, with such extraordinary
natural advantages the Mines of
River can hardly fail
to become an attractive resort to the Mining population
the Colony.
5. I have received advices from the Gold Commissioner of
Carribou up to the
22nd June. On the
4th of that month he
reports as follows—
unanimity and good feeling prevail among
the Miners on
Williams Creek, and both the Upper and Lower
Towns have been perfectly quiet and free from disturbance.
There has however been and there still is a good deal of
in reference to mining interests.
The weather he adds had been fine and "at times very hot" for
the few previous days causing a rapid rise in the Rivers, and
doing much damage to the tunnels and mining shafts. Writing
again on the
11th and
22nd June he reports a favourable change
in mining affairs and enters with considerable detail into the
state and yield of the principal gold claims
Creek. These two last mentioned communications contain
information of so much interests that I venture to transmit
copies of such portions of them as specially refer to gold
mining and also extracts from other reports illustrative of
the character and actual returns of a few of the rich mines
6. There is no other subject connected with the Colony
with which I need trouble Your Grace on the present occasion.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Graces most obedient
Humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Acknowledge? The Despatch shews a great falling off in the Immigration.
A copy might be sent to the Land Board for information? L[edger]
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
P. O'Reilly, Gold Commissioner, to Colonial Secretary,
11 May 1863, describing the history and yield of two of the richest
mines in
Williams Creek.
W. Cox, Assistant Gold Commissioner, to Colonial Secretary,
June 1863, reporting on gold yields in
Cariboo region.
O'Reilly to Colonial Secretary,
22 June 1863,
enclosing a price list of provisions in
Richfield and reporting the
establishment of a branch of the Bank of
British Columbia in the region.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Emigration Commissioners,
27 August 1863, forwarding
copy of the despatch for information.