12 October 1863
I have the honor to transmit herewith a letter, with
its enclosures, addressed to Your Grace by Mess
rs Cormack
Holbrook, of
New Westminster, and placed in my hands
unsealed to be forwarded in the regular manner according
to the Rules of Her Majesty's Colonial Service.
2. I regret that Your Grace's attention should be taken
so unprofitably, as by a perusal even of the accompanying
documents, and also that my time should be diverted from matters
of real importance now pressing upon me to report upon the
conceptions of the gentlemen in question. Nevertheless the
matter is not uninstructive as being a fair illustration of
the species of misrepresentation that has obtained in respect
of these Colonies, and as shewing how a few men, with an
unscrupulous newspaper at their command, upon statement wholly
ex parte, form their conclusions, and disseminate those
conclusions not as theories of their own, but as well
substantiated facts.
3. The gist of the complaint of these Gentlemen, as I
understand it, is that this Government did
not publish verbatim
et literatim an Essay upon the Colony of
British Columbia,
which they in their capacity of two members of the Board
appointed for adjudication, had pronounced to be the best of
the Essays submitted, and entitled to the reward offered by the
Government to induce the production of such Essays. And these
gentlemen further assume that not only has the Government not
published the original Essay, but that it has been greatly
altered and a complexion given to it wholly at variance with
the sentiments of its Author.
4. I will endeavour as shortly as possibly to report upon
this complaint.
5. This Government being desirous of obtaining and diffusing
respecting the capabilities, and resources of
British Columbia, offered a premium of Fifty pounds sterling to
any person who should produce an Essay that would best meet that
object. A Board of three persons wholly unconnected with the
Government were appointed to decide which Essay sent in merited
the award. This Board consisted of the undermentioned persons:
Revd Henry P. Wright, M.A., Archdeacon of Columbia
Mr Henry Holbrook Residents of
Mr W.E. Cormack New Westminster
Two Essays were submitted to them, one written by the
R.L. Brown a Clergyman of the Church of England resident at
British Columbia, the other written by
Mr A.C. Anderson,
formerly of the Hudsons Bay Company's
service, and a resident of
Vancouver's Island. The Board decided that
Mr Brown's Essay
was the better of the two, and that it was entitled to the Fifty
pounds premium. The manuscript Essays were then returned to
the Government. Both the Essays appeared to be valuable works
written with much care, and containing a mass of statistical
information highly useful to the intending Emigrant, but both
otherwise appeared too diffuse and bulky to be sought by the
intending Emigrant, and more calculated for the general reader
who had no other object in view than seeking information and
amusement. As
Mr Brown's Essay was considered by the Board
the better of the two, and as he had begged, if it were to
be published that he should have the revisal of it
to publication, he was advised of the particular object the
Government had in view in calling for the Essays, and was
asked to undertake the condensation of his Essay to meet more
closely the end intended. He readily assented, and the
Manuscript of the original Essay was forwarded to him in
precisely the same condition it was received from the
Board of Adjudicators. He returned the Essay condensed, and
it was sent unopened from the Colonial Secretary's Office to
the printing Office at the Camp of the Royal Engineers at
New Westminster.
Mr Brown from time to time communicated
with the Printer, but the Essay did not again come into the
office of the Colonial Secretary until it arrived in its
printed and complete state: and there is not the shadow of
that the Essay as now printed is precisely word for
word as it was written by
Mr Brown; and that not one word
has been interpolated or one sentiment suggested by any Officer
connected with the Government. I annex copy of the correspondence
which passed between
Mr Brown and the Colonial Secretary, and
this of itself I think most completely and satisfactorily
overturns the statements of Mess
rs Cormack and
Brown is just now I believe at
Carribou, and I doubt not when
he returns will declare every word and every sentiment in the
printed Essay to be his, and will throw some light upon the
attempts which he hints at in his letter of the
27th March were
made to induce him to publish his Essay clandestinely.
6. Mess
rs Holbrook and
Cormack publish in the British
Columbian newspaper a paragraph which they assert was in
original Essay, and place it side by side with a paragraph
which appears in the
published Essay, and they would wish
it to be inferred that changes of a similar character have been
made throughout the Essay. In a letter addressed to the Editor
of one of the Daily papers published in
Victoria, the Arch-deacon
of Columbia declares that the first time
he "ever saw"
the extract alleged to be taken from the original Essay
"was in a leading Article of the 'British Columbian'". I forward a
copy of the Archdeacon's letter here alluded to.
7. In the correspondence forwarded to Your Grace by Mess
Cormack and
Holbrook will be found copies of two unofficial
notes addressed by
Wright to
Mr Young the Colonial Secretary, but as a copy of
Mr Young's reply has been withheld, I also herewith enclose it. Your Grace will observe that
Archdeacon Wright was in possession of it when he forwarded a
copy of his second note to
Mr Young to Mess
rs Holbrook and
Cormack, and had
Mr Young's note been published concurrently with the rest of the correspondence the whole
of the charges
made so recklessly against the Government by Mess
rs Cormack and
Holbrook would have lost their plausibility and consistency.
The Archdeacon himself does not explain why he in forwarding
copies of his unofficial notes to
Mr Young to Mess
rs Cormack
Holbrook suppressed
Mr Young's reply.
8. There are many other points upon which I might animadvert,
and which would serve to overturn the fabric of complaint which I
must say has been very ingeniously raised, but I think I have
said enough to satisfy Your Grace of the groundlessness of the
allegations preferred by Mess
rs Holbrook and
Cormack, even if
the correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and
Mr Brown
relative to the publication of the essay does not sufficiently
elucidate the whole matter.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Graces most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
See 10840. The Governor has anticipated the instructions about
to be sent to him on this case. So far as the statements of the two
Members of the Board implied any tampering on the part of the
with the original Essay, the express denial of
Governor Douglas &
the Colonial Secretary must of course be received as conclusive.
But this despatch & the letter of the Colonial Secretary on which the
Governor so strongly relies, appear to me to leave the main allegation
untouched. Did the original Essay contain the passage charging
the Government with maladministration? This question the
had it in his power to solve by the production of the original, but
when applied to by the Board he or the Colonial

Secretary declined
to produce it. If the revised pamphlets contained statements of an
opposite tendency to those contained in the original it became,
I think, the duty of the
Govt by whom the Essay was printed for
the use of the Public, to call upon the Author for an explanation?
I have read and considered these papers (tho' the dispute is rather
trifling in some of it's aspects) very carefully; and I am
satisfied that
Sir J. Douglas is wholly clear of blame, altho'
Mr Brown was somewhat indiscrete to introduce the Sentence that
has provoked these complaints. I submit a draft, which contains within
itself a statement of the facts on which the conclusion is founded.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Henry Holbrook and
W.E. Cormack to
18 September 1863, stating details of their protest, as
per despatch, and forwarding a newspaper clipping contrasting the
paragraph in dispute.
Schedule of appendices to letter as noted above, nine entries.
Holbrook and
Cormack to Chief Commissioner
of Lands and Works,
4 September 1863, protesting the publication of
the pamphlet as containing an essay at variance with the one
submitted and judged by the board of judges.
Wright to
Holbrook and
7 September 1863, regretting
that the essay had been changed as noted by the other two members of
the board of judges.
Holbrook and
Cormack to Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works,
7 September 1863, asking for a copy of the original essay in order
to accurately ascertain the "nature and extent" of the changes.
Wright to
W.A.G. Young, Colonial Secretary,
8 September 1863,
declining to participate in the formal request of
the other two judges for a copy of the original essay, understanding
Brown had destroyed much of the original in the process of
condensation, but agreeing with the impropriety of the changes made
to the manuscript.
Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works to
Holbrook and
9 September 1863, advising that as the government merely acted as
printers, and were not empowered to forward a copy of the manuscript
as requested.
Wright to
Holbrook and
12 September 1863, advising that
he had protested the alterations and was informed by the government
that the function of the board ceased once their decision was made and,
while objecting to this view as open to abuse, he declined to act
further on the matter beyond forwarding copy of his letter to
Wright to
11 September 1863, agreeing that the board were
not censors, but protesting the alteration of the essay after
judging, particularly the insertion of a paragraph attacking those
who called for certain administrative changes in the colony.
Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works to
Holbrook and
14 September 1863, advising that he had been instructed by the
Colonial Secretary not to forward copy of the original essay.
Young to
Reverend Brown,
16 January 1863, asking that the essay
be revised in order to form a handbook for the intending emigrant
rather than the general reader.
Brown to
22 February 1863, advising the revisions would
take about a month and asking for certain recent statistics in order
to provide the most up-to-date information possible.
Brown to
27 March 1863, forwarding copy of the revised
manuscript, explaining some of the alterations, and stressing the
need for speedy printing, trusting that "none of the
New Westminster
democrats may be suffered to touch it."
Newspaper clipping,
Wright and
Holbrook to editor of
Express, no date, each expressing dissatisfaction with the
government over the publication of the essay.
Young to
10 September 1863, advising that the judges were
not appointed censors and, with the judging complete, it was up to
the government to act upon the results, neither body having control
over the opinion of the writer.
Other documents included in the file
Minutes by CO staff
I have examined the papers very carefully, & submit this for
People in this document
Anderson, Alexander Caulfield
Brown, R. C. L.
Cormack, W. E.
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Holbrook, Henry
Jadis, Vane
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Wright, Henry Press
Young, William Alexander George
Places in this document
British Columbia
Cariboo Region
New Westminster
Vancouver Island