I have to acknowledge
Mr Elliot's Letter of the
instant with a Letter from the War Department enquiring
whether the privileges in the acquisition of Land in
Columbia accorded to Naval and Military Settlers by a
proclamation of the Governor dated the
23rd of February 1863 admit of
extension to Officers of the Indian Army.
2. The object of the regulations under which these
privileges are granted, is to encourage the permanent
settlement in the Colony of Officers who have served the
Crown in a Military or Naval capacity. As the Officers of
the Indian Army are now placed under the Secretary of State
for War, and can I presume comply with the conditions of
the Colonial Law by obtaining the requisite certificate of
the General Commanding in Chief showing the length of their
service and
that their settlement in the Colony has been
sanctioned I see no reason why Officers in the Indian Army
should not be placed on the same footing as Officers of the
other portion of Her Majesty's Land forces, in the acquisition
of Land in those Colonies which concede such privileges.