Sargeaunt to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Crown Colonies Office
6 Adelphi Terrace
15 June 1863
Referring to my letter of the 1st instant I have honor to transmit to you for the information of the Duke of Newcastle copy of a letter (received on the 13th instant) from the Colonial Secretary of British Columbia forwarding Bills to the amount of £1500; this remittance will enable the Agents General to pay the interest due on the 1st proximo on the Loan of that Colony.
Pending his Grace'sinstructionsManuscript image instructions the Governor has not remitted the amount appropriated for the formation of a Sinking Fund.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedt Servt
W.C. Sargeaunt
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
In a despatch to Govr Douglas dated the 11th instt, & which was sent yesterday, he was instructed to remit to the Agents General the requisite funds for payment of the interest on the loan, and for the Formation of the Sinking fund. The interest due the 1st proxo he has now sent.
We should consult the Treasury as to the investment of the sinking fund money. See P.S. to enclosure.
ABd 17/6
With reference to our letter of theManuscript image 13th inst, requesting to be favored with the opinion of the L.C. of the Treasury on the proper investment of the monies set apart as a sinking fund for the B. Columbia loan, as well as on the choice of Trustees, transmit to them for their information a copy of the present letter from the Agents General reporting that they have received a remittance of £1500 from the Colony for the first payment of interest due on that loan.
TFE 17 June
Other documents included in the file
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Colonial Office to G.A. Hamilton, Treasury, 22 June 1863, forwarding copy of the Agent's letter for information.
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)
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Young to Julyan and Sargeaunt, Agents General for Crown Colonies
Colonial Secretarys Office
22nd April 1863
By direction of The Governor I have the honor to forward to you herewith the first of Exchange of Bills as per margin,
Bill on H.M. Paymaster General, dated 16 April 1863—£1000
Bill on Agents General for Crown Colonies dated 22 April 1863—£500.
Total: £1500
payable to your order, for the sum of Fifteen hundred pounds (£1500) the same being a remittance on account of interest due on British Columbia Debentures on 1st July proximo.
2. The sum to be appropriatedhalfManuscript image half yearly by way of a Sinking Fund will be duly set apart by the Treasurer, and will be remitted, or otherwise dealt with, so soon as advices are received from the Secretary of State as to the action to be taken under the XIII clause of the Act.
I have the honor to be Gentlemen
Your most obedient humble Servant
William A.G. Young
Colonial Secretary
P.S. His Excellency considers that Vancouver Island Debentures would form a very desirable investment for the first moneys set apart as a sinking fund. WY
Sargeaunt, William Charles to Elliot, Thomas Frederick 15 June 1863, CO 60:17, no. 5921, 82. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)