Young to Crown Agents
Colonial Secretary's Office
14 May 1863
I am directed by the Governor to acquaint you that Her
Majesty's Government have sanctioned a further six per Cent
Loan of £50,000 for the Colony of
British Columbia, and that
he accordingly passed the
British Columbia Loan Act
1863 of
which a copy is herewith enclosed for your information and guidance.
2. This Act will be transmitted by this Mail to the
Secretary of State for the Colonies for Her Majesty's confirmation.
3. You will observe that the present Act varies from the
Act of
1862 in so much as the Debentures are redeemable at
the expiration of 20 years instead
of 10 and provision is made
for cancelling the principal liability under "The Roads Bonds
1863" (an Act which was passed pending the question of a
further Loan), so as virtually to constitute the present Loan
a second mortgage upon the Revenue, until the redemption of
1862 loan, and a first charge afterwards, an arrangement
which it is considered will place the present Loan in as good
if not in a better position in the market than the
1862 Loan.
4. By the 6 section of the Act, the Agent General for
Crown Colonies are empowered to sign the Debentures on behalf
of this Government, and the 10
section provides that the
Governor may authorize the Agents General to negociate the
whole or any portion of such Debentures.
5. I am in pursuance of these provisions desired by His
Excellency to authorize you to take such steps as may be
advisable for the immediate preparation of the Debentures
and negociation of the Loan, which it is hoped may be realized
at an early date, as money is just now most pressingly required
for the important work of opening the communications of the Country.
6. His Excellency
in accordance with the suggestions
already thrown out by you, will shortly draw upon you at Thirty
day's sight for a portion of the Loan which he doubts not
will be realized before the Drafts come in course of payment.