20th July 1863
May it please Your Grace
I have this morning seen the
Times, with Your
Grace's speech on the introduction of the Bill for the
Government of
British Columbia. The Separation of the two
Colonies is a great point gained, but I fear the whole
value of a constitution is lost, from the fear Your Grace,
seems to entertain of representative institutions in a
sparse population. The enemy has succeeded in persuading
the Colonial Office that there was some risk in giving the
seven thousand, in
British Columbia, what the
thousand, in
Vancouvers Island have had for years, I am
satisfied however that the danger is all in the refusal,
and I only write, to express my fears that your scheme will
give great dissatisfaction, and give you serious trouble,
what might, suit in a far of[f] Isle of the Sea, on an
isolated continent with wealthy settlers will not work with
liberal Governments east, and west, of them, and a republic
within sixteen miles to the South.
The office
The office bearers are
now very odious, and incapable and who these magistrates are
that are to be Councillors, I cannot conceive, for the
constables and others that were made Magistrates in the
interior, if made into Legislative Councillors, will hardly
be borne with a day, and I fancy few, if any of the men
that can command any kind of an election would condescend
to serve with them. I may be entirely wrong, I hope I am,
but I would not discharge my duty to the people there whom
I represented, to what I consider safe and true principles
of Government, or, to the kindness of your Grace if I did
not raise my voice against what I conceive to be a grave
political error that may give you much trouble.
Had, the present proposals been accompanied by a
promise to apply the principles of 31 Geo 3. Chap. 31 so
soon as the population amounted to Twenty thousand or thirty
thousand the difficulties I perceive might possibly have been
avoided, but it will be briefly and pertinaciously asked why
should not
British Columbia with seven thousand people have
representative institutions when
Vancouvers Island with only
four thousand
is endowed with them, and it is impossible
to give a logical reply or keep
British Columbia in peace.
I have the honor to be
Your Grace's Most obliged and obedient Servant
Malcolm Cameron
Minutes by CO staff
Put by.
Mr Elliot
The Duke has seen this letter. See His Grace's pencil
note at the top of the page.
Mr Jadis
In pursuance of that note, this letter may be put by
without troubling His Grace further.