Chamberlains Wharf,
Southwark, S.E.
July 17, 1863
May it please your Grace,
I purpose waiting on your Grace in reference to this
subject, on Tuesday next, the 21st Instant, unless I
receive in the meantime an intimation that it will not be
convenient to your Grace to receive me on that day.
I have the honour to be My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient Servant
Thomas Day
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Allen that such has been the course taken
with his complaint;
Lieutt Lascelles being in the R. Navy
& serving under the orders of the Admiralty.
I should inform him that any complaint concerning an officer
in command of one of Her Majesty's
Vessels should be addressed to the
ds Com
rs of the Admiralty, and should send him back, as he will
probably require it, the printed document which accompanied his letter.
Other documents included in the file
Colonial Office to
17 July 1863, advising that his
complaint should be addressed to the Admiralty, and returning his