I think it best to inform you that I am about to submit for Her
Majesty's approval certain Instructions appointing the following
Officers to be Members of the Legislative Council in
British Columbia.
The Colonial Secretary
The Attorney General
The Treasurer
The Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works
The Collector of Customs
I think it also advisable to point out that as doubts may be
entertained respecting the binding authority of any Proclamation issued
by you subsequently to the date of the Order in Council, constituting a
Legislative Council (viz. The Colonial Secretary, the Attorney General,
the Treasurer, the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, and the
Collector of Customs). Your first step on
convening the Council should
be to re-enact in the form of an Ordinance any Proclamation or
Proclamations which you may have issued after the above date including
the Proclamation (if any) by which you may have paid the Salaries of
Public Officers.