I have had the honor to receive Your Grace's despatch
o 3 of the
29th of February 1864 calling my attention
to the hardship to which
Captain Houghton, late of Her
Majesty's Army,
has been subjected by an unexpected
alteration of the privileges in the acquisition of land
accorded to Naval and Military Officers in
British Columbia.
2. In obedience to Your Grace's commands I laid before
the Legislative Council an Ordinance exempting from the
operation of Sir
James Douglas' proclamation
No 2
o 2 of
1863 any officer who can shew that he left the Army or Navy
with the intention of Settling in this Colony previously
to the Horse Guards Circular of the
31st August 1863
and who is prepared to depose that he was not aware at
the time of leaving the Army of the alteration in the
privileges allowed to Officers. The bill laid
before the
Council by me has now become law. As the public faith of the
Colony is to a certain extent involved in this matter I
send at once two copies of the Ordinance just passed, in
advance of those which will be accompanied by a formal report.