Mr Cardwell
Governor Seymour has not the shadow of a claim to
half salary in this case, and it is to be lamented that
he should have drawn the money without applying for
previous authority. The Colonial Regulations are perfectly
explicit on the point. If half salary is disposable an
Officer may have it from the

time of embarkation, but if
the Principal be still in the exercise of his Office on
the spot, no half salary is available, and the pay of the
new officer can only begin from the date of his arrival.
Articles 90 & 99 are conclusive.
I do not know any cases which appear to me more
objectionable than those of Officers dipping their hand
into the public Treasury, in order to pay themselves money
in doubtful instances without previous authority.
I should refer
Governor Seymour to the rules which
preclude his claim, and should request that he will have
the goodness to refund the money, and to report his having
done so to this Department.