No. 36
I referred, for the consideration of the Lords of the Committee of
Privy Council for Trade, the Ordinance enclosed in your Despatch No. 17
of the
6th of June entitled No. 13, "An Ordinance for the regulation of
the Inland Navigation of
Columbia," and I have the honor to
transmit to you, for your information and guidance, the enclosed copy of
a letter which has been received from the Board of Trade in reply.
I cannot submit this Ordinance for Her Majesty's confirmation until
the Legislature of
British Columbia shall have made the alterations
indicated by the Board of Trade as necessary to bring the Act into
conformity with Imperial Law.
You will therefore cause a Bill to be
submitted to the
Legislature making these Amendments.
You will of course take care that the Members of the Legislature
are fully aware that you consider the rules which they propose to adopt
from the Merchant Shipping Act are inapplicable to the Navigation of the
Inland Waters of
British Columbia. But in case the Council should
continue to consider the Rules advisable for the public safety, it will
not, in my opinion, be judicious, on the
grounds which you allege, to
refuse the Royal Assent to the Law embodying their decision.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Edward Cardwell