Mr Elliot
The Treasury enquire how the passages of the women and children
who went out free were paid for. In the case of those who
sent out in the "
Thames City" it was settled between this office
and the Admiralty, after a previous correspondence between
this office and the Treasury, that the Admiralty should pay
for their passage but the consent of the Admiralty does not
appear to have been communicated to the Treasury.
Other women and children went out in the "
but the Admiralty does not appear to have presented a claim
for their passages, perhaps in consequence of the decision
arrived at in the case of the "
Thames City."
The Treasury further enquire as to the repayment of the
sum of £217.11.2 advanced for the passage

Mrs McColl,
her children and others. We have
Colonel Moodys Statement
Sergeant McColl has repaid £52.10 out of £105 due from
Colonel Moody will also perhaps be able to furnish
information as to the amounts obtained from the other men concerned.
Mrs McColl was to have gone out with her children
in the
Thames City in
1858 but she was prevented by illness.
The W.O. objected in
1860 and again now (though I think
exception may be taken to their objection) to allowing them
free conveyance on Military grounds but consider that
it is for the Treasury to decide whether they will remit
under the circumstances of the cases a portion of the money
advanced for their passages to be repaid by
Mr McColl.
1858 the W.O. was asked to send out 35 women and
their children accommodation for whom was ordered
on board the "
Thames City."
(Afterwards in compliance with a request made not
to the W.O. but to the Admiralty 5 more women and their
children were accommodated in the "
1860 and again now the W.O. objected to granting
a free passage to
McColls family on the ground that
accommodation was provided as requested for 35 women and
their children and that if
Mrs McColl was prevented
by illness from taking advantage of it, yet her place
was supplied by some other woman but I find that in a
list furnished by the Admiralty in
1859 of women and
children on board the "
Thames City,"
34 women only are
given and claimed for. The inference is that
McColls place was
not supplied and that the objection
of the W.O. may consequently not be valid.
The W.O. certainly remark that 35 were beyond
the regulated number but this fact could hardly be
used as an objection to allowing free conveyance to
McColls family inasmuchas it would apply to each of the
women who went out in the "
Whatever view is taken of this case there would seem
to be fair ground for the remission to
Sergeant McColl
the whole or portion of the £105, and as the public would
bear the charge and the case must be solitary, circumlocution
would be avoided if the Treasury would bear it.
With regard however to
Mr McColls statement that
the passages did not cost more by the "
Marcella" than
they would have done by the "
Thames City."
Those by the "
Marcella" were £35 per adult,
and £105 for
Mrs McColl & four children (= 3 adults I suppose).
The charges by "
Thames City" would have been it appears
Mrs McColl £19.8
4 children at 9.14 each
Mr Ebden
Will you try to answer these numerous & minute questions
of the Treasury, as well as you can. We did not view it as a matter
of special [funding?]. The question was whether, as a matter of
n for a very deserving Non C
d Officer who has lost all
further pay from the public, he might be allowed the remaining part of
an indulgence which was originally intended for him of which he was
only deprived by a misfortune.