I duly received your Despatch No. 56 of the
14th of September,
submitting to me the names of
Captain Luard R.E. and of
Mr. Trutch,
Civil Engineer, as gentlemen well qualified for the appointment of
Surveyor General of
British Columbia. I also received your Despatch No.
70 of the
30th of November, reporting to me that
Colonel Moody had
declined to leave
Captain Luard behind, when the Corps of Sappers and
Miners quitted the Colony.
I have the honor to acquaint you, that having received an
explanation from
Colonel Moody on this point, I am satisfied that he had
sufficient reasons for the course which he pursued, and that his
decision was correct.
Adverting to the high testimony which you bear to the professional
abilities, and to the general character

Mr. Trutch, a favorable
opinion which is entirely confirmed by the accounts given of him by
Colonel Moody, and by
Captain Richards R.N., I have much pleasure in
informing you that I have selected this gentleman for the Office of
Surveyor General. His Warrant of appointment will be forwarded by an
early opportunity.