12th May 1864
With reference to my Predecessor's Circular despatch of the 1st of January 1863 I desire now to make you acquainted with the general tenor of the information concerning Colonial HospitalsManuscript image and Lunatic Asylums which has been obtained from the Colonies at large, and also with the steps which it has been thought desirable to take in the endeavor to make that information available for effecting amendments in the manner of treating the indigent sick and Lunatics in the Colonies.
I transmit to you therefore a copy of a circular despatch which has been addressed to the Governors of Her Majesty's Colonies who had forwarded in due course answers to the interrogatories which accompaniedtheManuscript image the Circular despatch of the 1st of January 1863.
I shall feel obliged to you to let me know without delay whether there exist any and what Hospitals and Lunatic Asylums in the Colony under your Government, and, if there be none, I should be glad to receive your remarks upon the fact of their absence, and in the prospect of the creation of suitable institutions of this kind for the alleviation of human suffering.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient servant
Edward Cardwell
Cardwell, Edward to Seymour, Governor Frederick 12 May 1864, NAC :, 95. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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