No. 37
I have the honor to forward answers to the interrogatories
enclosed in your Circular despatch of the 16th of January 1865.
2. I have read with deep attention your despatch, but
the replies I now forward will
show that crime in this young
Colony is not one of the great difficulties we have to contend
with. The comparatively mild treatment inflicted upon our
criminals is sufficient to deter others from breaking the law,
and to induce those who have been exposed to the lenient
punishment to behave better in future or leave the Colony.
Though I observe no painful despondency or loss of self respect
in those undergoing punishment,
the dread of imprisonment
is greater here than I have observed in other places. Where
wages are enormously high and tempting Gold fields within
the reach of all, labour coupled with disgrace and loss of
pay is a sufficient deterrent from crime. You will observe
that but one white man has been twice convicted.
3. The prison is clean, healthy, and well managed. It
is gratifying to see that no
woman has yet undergone
imprisonment. Drunken squaws have, for their own protection,
and that of the public decency been locked up until sobered.
4. No person has yet been flogged in the prison.
5. The laws affecting imprisonment for debt have been
amended during the last Session. Where no fraud is proved,
imprisonment for debt virtually exists no longer.
6. There
6. There has been but one escape, even temporarily,
from the gaol. A little Indian Boy scrambled over the wall
and got away, but was brought back the same day.
7. No person has become insane in the gaol. Two Lunatics
have recovered their reason there and been discharged.
8. There have been no suicides in the prison.
9. It may be mentioned
in connection with the subject
of this despatch, that there is not in the Colony a single
pauper supported at the public expense.
10. Such of the small prisons as I have visited in the
mining and rural districts appeared to me clean and well managed.
The criminals sentenced to long periods of imprisonment are
transferred to the Gaol at
New Westminster.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
"Interrogatories respecting the Construction, State,
Discipline, and Management of each Prison, House of Correction,
Lock-up House, Convict Depot, Penal Settlement, or other
place of Confinement in the Colony of
British Columbia," with answers
appended thereto (37 questions, 37 pages).