No. 39
3rd May 1865
I have the honor to forward Copy of a Resolution passed by the Legislative Council of this Colony, requesting that the Imperial Government may be solicitedtoManuscript image to pay one half of the expenses of the expeditions despatched against the Chilicoten Indians last summer under the circumstances detailed in my despatches mentioned in the margin.
Govr to Secy of State
No. 7, 20th May 1864
No. 25, 30th Augt "
No. 37, 9th Sepr "
No. 56, 4th Octr "
No. 58, 7th Octr "
No. 69, 23rd Novr "
No. 10, 25th Feb. 1865
Those expenses amounted in round numbers, to seventeen thousand pounds (£17,000). A very heavy outlay for a young Colony with a decreasing Revenue.
2. The Council rely mainly on the fact that these great expenses fell upon theColonyManuscript image Colony "in the consequence of the actions of persons living out of the Colony, and over whom the Government of British Columbia had no control."
3. The timely display of energy on the part of the Colonists perhaps prevented a general rising of the Indians, which would have dragged Her Majesty's forces ultimately into the struggle. It might be well to make some public acknowledgmentofManuscript image of your approval of the self reliance displayed by so small a community under such peculiar difficulties, immediately after the withdrawal of all Imperial assistance. On this ground I beg to recommend the prayer of the Council very respectfully for your consideration.
4. It is with extreme satisfaction, but without any overweening confidence in the future, that I mention that since the events of the lastsummerManuscript image summer, I have had no intelligence of any outrage, even of the most trifling description, having been committed by the Indians on the white men in the vast territory comprised within this Colony.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
To me it appears that this is a monstrous proposal. The road, though certainly made by road makers of V.C. Island was for the benefit of B. Columbia and of Commerce in general: & it is absurd to say that the expense of the Expedition fell upon the Colony "in consequence of the actions of people out of it." The B.C. Authorities must have sanctioned the under-taking.
ABd 10 July
Mr Cardwell
This will be a subject for your consideration.
TFE 17 July
Regret that it is not in myManuscript image power to hold out any hope that this expenditure can be in any part defrayed by funds to be voted for that purpose by the Imperial Parlt.
EC 17
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Legislative Council to Seymour, 21 December 1864, forwarding resolution requesting that the home government be asked to defray half the cost of the expedition, signed by A.N. Birch, Presiding Member.
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Cardwell to Seymour, No. 46, 22 July 1865.
Seymour, Governor Frederick to Cardwell, Edward 3 May 1865, CO 60:21, no. 6397, 402. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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