No. 40
With reference to my despatch No. 39 of the
9th of
September 1864 and to your reply of the
8th of December,
I have now the honor to report, though with much
that the men who murdered an Indian Constable at
and wounded several others, have not been captured.
2. I am not much suprised at this. The feeling of
the Majority of the population in the adjoining territory
would be strongly opposed to the surrendering to British
justice American citizens who had merely shot Indians who
were interfering,
(though on behalf of the Law) with the
traffic carried on by the white men.
3. The United States' Authorities however furnished
every assistance. It is to the Officers of the American
Garrison at
San Juan that we owe the seizure of the Sloop
Random," on board of which the murder was committed. She
was taken by the American troops when lying at
Orcas Island.
The crew escaped into the bush.
Governor Pickering of
Washington Territory did all he could to further the ends of
Justice and from the Governor of the Russian Possessions on
this Coast I received a most obliging reply to my request
for assistance.
4. I fully complied with all
Mr Duncan suggested as
means to pacify the Indians at
Metlakahtla. A surgeon was
sent up to attend the
wounded men. Nurses were hired to wait
on them. A small pension bestowed on the widow of the murdered
Constable. I am in hopes that the Natives are fully satisfied
with the action of the Government.
5. I hope to visit the scene of
Mr Duncan's very interesting
and successful labours during the course of the present summer.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Approve all that the Governor has done in this matter.
shd say that the case was scarcely of sufficient
importance to ask the F.O. to cause thanks to be conveyed to
Governor Pickering for his help.
Other documents included in the file