e. State that there appears to be one or two errors of
language in this Ord
e. In Sect 1 after the words "in the
name" it
wd seem proper to insert "or to the account."
2. The first phrase of Sect 2 does not shew what payments
it was intended to cover. This
shd be made clear. It was

intended to mean that "all
such payments
& transfers heretofore are made in manner aforesaid." But
whatever was the intention of the Leg
r the language
be more accurately adjusted to it.
Also observe that it is very doubtful whether such an
Act as that of 10 & 11 Vict. c. 96 wd be extended to the
Colony by the general words of the Proclamation of 19 Nov.
1858. And recommend that the Orde shd contain a
specific declaration that the Act shd so apply with certain
substitutions including those provided for by this Orde.
It shd also be provided that the Supreme Ct of the
Colony shd be competent to exercise all power conferred by that Act
on the Court of Chancery, Lord Chancellor and Master of the Rolls.