Referring to your letter of the
20th instant, I
transmit to you for the information of
Mr Secretary Cardwell,
the enclosed copy of a correspondence which has passed between
rs Brown, Lenox & Co (Admiralty Contractors for Chain
Cables & Anchors) and myself, from which it appears that the
cost of supplying the Government of
British Columbia with the
Buoys, Sinkers and Chains enumerated in
Mr Seymour's
despatch N
o 34 of
7th September last, is estimated
amount to £1557.5.0 exclusive of freight.
As this amount is greatly in excess of the estimate of
the Harbour Master at
New Westminster, and as that Officer
in his letter of the
6th September states that "the buoys
actually required are nine in number" it appears to me that
in place of sending the thirty Buoys asked for that half
that number would be sufficient for the purposes mentioned,
and to furnish the necessary relay.
At any rate a dozen or
fifteen buoys, with a corresponding
number of cables and sinkers, might be sent out in the first
instance should
Mr Cardwell approve of the adoption of such a course.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Brown, Lenox & Co. to Crown Agents, 2 January 1865,
giving detailed estimate for buoys.
Sargeaunt to Brown, Lenox and
4 January 1865, advising that the
cost quoted far exceeded that formed in the colony, and asking for an
explanation of the discrepancy.
Brown, Lenox and Company
to Crown Agents, 6 January 1865,
explaining that the circumstances required heavier equipment than
was estimated in the colony.