I have this morning received from
Governor Seymour a
telegram, dated at
New Westminster the
7th instant, of
which the following is a Copy. I have acknowledged its
receipt; and, in reply to my enquiry at the Telegraph
Office as to the cause of the delay in its transmission
to me, I am
informed that, until the
10th of June no
message from the Pacific Coast had been received since
June 1st, owing to the tearing down of the Wires by the Indians.
(Copy of Telegram)
New Westminster Via San Francisco
7th received
13th June 1865.
Mr Archibald
Her B. Majestys Consul
New York
Pray write to Secretary of State for Colonies,
despatch Number thirteen, of
third March, received.
Answered next day. Further important answer on the
way; all right. Six thousand (6000)
Indians assembled
here on Queens Birth day; perfectly orderly and loyal.
Last of Chicotten Murderers taken. Revenue very
large. All well. Please acknowledge.