With reference to your Despatch No. 52 of the
26th of September
last, I have the honor to enclose, for your information, a copy of a
report which I requested from
Colonel Moody, relative to the surcharges
to which you drew my attention.
I am bound to say that the explanation furnished by
appears to me quite satisfactory, and to show that he is entitled to be
relieved from these surcharges. It is quite true that a Despatch from
the Secretary of State, dated the
3rd of February 1860, stated that
Captain Lempriere should continue to receive his Colonial Pay "until his
recall shall reach the Colony." But although these works look very
precise, it is impossible to suppose that the Secretary of State meant
that although
Captain Lempriere might unavoidably be detained in the
performance of Colonial Services, he should cease to receive Colonial
Pay. The substantial meaning was that he should be sent home as soon as
practicable, and that then his Colonial pay would
come to an end.