No. 77
7th October 1865
I transmit to you a copy of a letter from the Board of Admiralty with its enclosures, and I have to request that you will take steps for the repayment to that Department of the sum of thirty nine poundssixteenManuscript image sixteen shillings and two pence being the amount claimed for stores supplied on account of the Bentinck Arm Expedition during the Quarter ending the 31st March last.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble servant
Edward Cardwell
Other documents included in the file
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Copy, Romaine to Rogers, 14 September 1865, concerning gun boats in BC and the Naval base at Esquimalt.
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Copy, Romaine to the Under Secretary of State, 4 October 1865, submitting expenses on behalf of the Admiralty.
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Receipt for supplies provided to HMS Sutlej, 2 July 1864.
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Statement of expenses incurred by the Comptroller of Victualling for provisions suppled to the Bentinck Arm expedition.
Cardwell, Edward to Seymour, Governor Frederick 7 October 1865, NAC :, 335. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)