No. 50
I have had the honor to receive your despatch No. 23 of the
30th April last, transmitting Copy of a Letter from the Lords
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury in which their Lordships
advert in general terms to the financial condition of the Colony
and desire to be furnished with a Statement of the actual Receipts
and Disbursements within the year
1865 together with an account of
the Liabilities of the Colony at the close of that period.
2. It is not within my province now to refer to the Road
Policy of a previous administration or to question the propriety
of the construction of two rival Roads through a
wild wild and thinly
populated Country at a cost of £122,280 on the
Clinton and
Alexandria Road and £78,200 on the
Clinton and
Alexandria Road. These expenditures have long since received the approval of
Her Majesty's Government, but they have entailed upon the Revenue
a heavy and in part unnecessary charge amounting to £13,500, for
their maintenance and for interest on the debt incurred
for for their
3. In explanation of the present financial condition of the
Colony it is necessary that I should refer to a period previous
to that mentioned in the Treasury Letter. At the close of the Year
1863 the entire amount of the Loans of £100,000 authorized under
certain proclamations had been expended and the Public Accounts
showed a debt
to to the Bank of
British Columbia of £8000, to the
Vancouver Island Treasury of £9000, no less a sum than £14,900
of temporary Bonds, payable in one, two and three years were issued
within the Year, and sums amounting to £10,000 were also due to
Contractors for work performed in
1863. Thus, at the commencement
1864 the local debts incurred in
1863, payable out of the Revenue
of the following year amounted
to to £32,200, a further sum of £9,700
on account of the Bonds being payable in
4. The
Cariboo Waggon Road had, at that period, reached
Alexandria, a distance of 120 miles from the Mining district. The
Country for the greater portion of the remaining distance is thickly
timbered, with little or no food for Pack animals and the necessity
for the completion of the Road
was was urgently called for in the
interests of
Cariboo then the only known mining Region and the main
support of the Colony. In fact the £200,000 already invested in
the construction of roads would have been comparatively thrown
away had the roads terminated at
5. At the first meeting of the Legislative Council in
an Ordinance was passed and received the
sanction sanction of
Sir James
Douglas authorizing a further extension of the Public Debt by
£100,000. The Council at the same time recomended the immediate
expenditure of £48,000 in the completion of the
Cariboo Road.
Mr Seymour on his arrival in the Colony in
April 1864, desirous
of carrying out the pledge of a former Administration, authorized,
in anticipation of the Loan, the continuance of the works, the
survey of
the the line of Road was completed and one third portion
was constructed at a cost of £21,300 during the Year
6. Of the £100,000 Loan authorized in
1864—and partly
expended in anticipation—it may be said the Colony received the
benefit of only £60,000. The expenditure consequent on the
Indian disturbances absorbed £20,000, nearly one fifth of the
entire Revenue. The difficulty in disposing
of of the debentures
necessitated the borrowing of money at a high rate of interest.
The loss of £6,000 on the sale of the debentures and the
payment to the Imperial Government of £10,700 for some useless
Military huts reduced the Loan to the Amount mentioned. It
cannot therefore be a matter of surprise that, with the payment
of the debts of
1863, the many and unforeseen expenses of
and the delay in realizing the Loan, the
amount amount due to the Bank
British Columbia had increased at the close of that year.
7. The detailed Returns required by the Lords of the Treasury
show the expenditure of the year
1865 to have been less than the
Estimate by £32,000. To estimate the Revenue at the commencement
of the Year must in the present state of the Colony be a mere
speculation. In the Autumn of
1864 the
Kootenay Mines
attracted attracted
much attention and the Estimates for
1865 were framed in the
expectation that a large Revenue would be raised from this District.
With what justice this Estimate was made may be inferred from the
fact that at the Commencement of the season the Revenue taken at
Kootenay alone exceeded £1000 a week, the yield of Gold was large
and every miner employed at remunerative wages. Suddenly however
fresh discoveries
in in the Neighbouring Territory of Montana, the
richness of which were naturally largely exaggerated by American
Merchants, reduced the population at
Kootenay from 2,000 to 300,
and the Revenue consequently decreased. This and the impossibility
of Collecting the Gold Export Tax on our Frontier are the main
causes of the falling off in the Revenue as Estimated in
8. You draw my attention
to to the increase of the debt to the
Bank of
British Columbia at the close of
1865 as an evidence that
the expenditure of the Colony had been continued throughout the
year out of all proportion to the Revenue. I can only reply that
in view of the expected Revenue
Governor Seymour authorized
important Public Works to be undertaken and that upon the receipt
of information of the successful opening of the season at
trail trail, through British Territory, of 400 miles was commenced and
completed at a cost of £11,000. All large Public Works are given
out by Public Tender to contractors and it is consequently impossible
to stop expenditure on such undertakings when once authorized. I
give this explanation as I infer from Your despatch that I might
have been expected to reduce Expenditure when I found the Revenue
1865 might
not not meet
Mr Seymour's Estimate. This under the
circumstances was impossible.
9. The Estimates for 1866 transmitted in my despatch No. 28
will have shown that I have reduced the expenditure very largely.
The main items of Expenditure in 1866 on Public Works will be
incurred in paying the instalments due on former contracts and
in maintaining existing Roads in repair, amounting to £15,000,
which of necessity must be paid.
10. I
10. I cannot at present state whether the Revenue of the
year will amount to or exceed the Estimate. I shall keep down
every expenditure to the lowest limit. I have undertaken no
public works but those of the most pressing necessity and this
branch of Expenditure cannot be further reduced. I have made
reductions in the Civil List exceeding £5000 but there are
still some unnecessary Offices. On this subject
I I propose to
address you in a separate despatch.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Arthur N. Birch
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Birch makes a good statement of what he has done. I do not
see that more is necessary at this moment than to send a copy to the
Treasury for their information. I annex a draft for the purpose.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Statement of receipts and disbursements for the year
signed by
Robert Ker, Auditor General,
14 July 1866.
Statement of assets and liabilities for the year 1865.
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Secretary to the Treasury,
6 October 1866, forwarding
copy of correspondence relating to the accounts of the colony with
reference to their previous enquiry.