Adverting to
Mr Sargeaunt's letter of the
October last I have to acquaint you, for the information of
Earl of Carnarvon, that the Crown Agents for the Colonies
will require on or before the
31st instant the sum of
Six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds (£6,250) to meet payments
which will become due on the
1st proximo for six months
interest and contribution to the Sinking Funds in respect
British Columbia Government Debentures viz:
Interest on £50,000 Debentures Expiring
Sinking Fund on ditto...........................£2,250
Interest on £50,000 Debentures Expiring
Sinking Fund on ditto...........................
The Crown Agents will be obliged by your informing them,
without delay, from what source they are to receive funds to
defray the above liabilities.