I have received and laid before
The Queen the Ordinances named in
the Margin,
No. 14 "An Ordinance Amending the Procedure of the County Courts
of the Colony of
British Columbia." Enclosed in
Mr. Birch's Despatch No.
47 of the
21st June.
No. 17 "An Ordinance to define the Jurisdiction of County Courts
under the Small Debts Act
1859." Enclosed in
Mr Birch's Despatch No. 48
of the
21st June.
which were passed by the Legislature of
British Columbia in the month of
April last, and I have the honor to acquaint you that Her Majesty has
graciously pleased to sanction and confirm them.
I have read the observations of the Attorney General upon Ordinance
No. 14, with all the respect to which they are entitled, but, on the
whole, I am of opinion that if the provisions to which he objects, are
found productive of practical inconvenience it may be left to the
to take the necessary steps for their removal.