Mr Elliot
Under the
British Columbia Loan Ordinance the following
sums become annually due and are paid by the Crown Agents; viz
st January £6250
st April £4125
st July £6250
st October £4125
These sums are to provide for both the interest on the
Debentures and for the Sinking Fund.
On the
27th of June the Crown Agents informed this Office
that they had been requested by the
Govt of
British Columbia
to draw a Bill on the
Govt for the payment of the £6250,
due on the
1st of July. The Agents also gave a statement
of the account between them
and the
Govt of
B.C, by
which it appeared that if they did not draw the Bill and if
the Treasury did not pay over to the Colony the £9000 due on
Military Account, the sum of £6713, would have to be met on the
17th of July. This letter was referred to the Treasury (
28 June),
and the Crown Agents told to pay the £6250 on the proper
date. The Treasury acquainted us in answer (Treas/6449) that the Agents
had been supplied with sufficient funds, to meet the £6713
on the
17th of July, partly from the balance of the Vote
B.C. for the year
1863-64 and partly from Civil contingencies.
On the
16th of October the Agents again reported (Agents/9847)
the request of the
Govt that the payment of the interest
and sinking fund to the amount of £4125, due on the first of
the same month, might be met [by] a Bill drawn on the Bank and
to be honoured by the Bank of
British Columbia, in
that the Agents had done so but that the Bank declined to honour
the Bill, and that they had therefore paid the sum out of funds
belonging to other Colonies, to save the credit of the Colony.
This was approved by the
Secy of State on the
31st of
October and a very severe despatch to the Governor (N
o 17 of the
October) calling his attention to the subject, and instructions to
immediately repay the advances thus made and to provide for future
But on the
26th of December the Agents (Agents/12205) once
more called attention

to the fact that there were no funds to pay
the sum of £6250 falling due on the approaching
1st of
January and asking from whence it was to be paid. They were
informed in reply (
29 Decr) that the
interest £3000 was to be paid
out of the funds in their hands, belonging to other Colonies,
but that all payments on account of the Sinking Fund were to
be deferred; and a still stronger despatch (N
o 1
1st Jan/67)
than the one of the
30th of October, was sent to the Governor instructing him
to repay these sums, and to send home money to provide for
future payments. On the
17th of January the Agents sent to this
Office (Agents 497) a correspondence between the Colonial
themselves, and the Bank with reference to the means of
providing for the payment, due on the
1st of January by drawing Bills.
This letter was sent to the Treasury (14th Feby) with a
proposal that the Governor should be informed that this plan of
providing for these payments by drawing Bills on a Bank, is most
objectionable and that it must cease.
The Treasury have not yet answered this letter.
In the mean time
Mr Birchs explanation has been received
(Gov 17/1942
9 Jan),
and by this it appears that it was agreed between himself and
the Manager, in the Colony, of the Bank, that the Bank in
should honour the Bill and it is apparently owing to the neglect
of the Manager to report this arrangement to the Directors in
London that the Agents have had to apply sums belonging to
other Colonies for the

service of
B. Columbia.
This minute of
Mr Birch's has been sent to the Bank (
28 Feb)
for any observations, which however as yet have not been received.