I have had the honor to receive Your Lordship's despatch
No. 11 of the
1st October, directing me to report officially
my opinion as to whether
Mr Trutch should be allowed to hold
the office
of Surveyor General of this Colony while in possession
of considerable interests in a bridge and road.
Mr Trutch, I have already reported, to be a good and
useful public servant. I have therefore discussed the question
again with him. He informs me that he will positively be able
to dispose of all his private interests in the Public Works of
the Colony early next year. Under these
circumstances I am
disposed to recommend, that the question should be allowed to rest
as it is for another year. If
Mr Trutch were confirmed it might
possibly be difficult to secure the sale of his property. As
matters now are the case will come again under Your Lordship's
consideration in
1868, and may then, I think, be finally disposed of.