It is but right that I should mention that considerable
excitement exists here on account of the cession of the
Russian North American Territories to the United States.
All the American merchants and public house keepers hoisted
their national flag yesterday in honor of the event and the
English feel somewhat despondent as to their future condition.
2. In time of peace I think it will be rather advantageous
to us to have the United States on both sides of
British Columbia.
Victoria will be a sort of half way port between
San Francisco
Sitka. There is I fear no doubt that the
having the United States North and South of us will tend to strengthen
the American sympathies felt by a considerable number of persons
Victoria. On the mainland, though I believe half the
population is alien, much good feeling prevails and political
excitement is scarcely to be found.
3. Possibly under the peculiar circumstances in which
the Colony will be placed the
Lords of the Treasury may be
induced to mitigate in some degree the rigour with which in
financial matters
British Columbia has been treated. The making
the Colony pay ten thousand seven hundred pounds (£10,700)
for the useless buildings
erected by the Royal Engineers, and the causing it to bear the
total expense of the suppression of an Indian insurrection
created much ill feeling at the time and the financial condition
of the Colony has, since these payments were made, been anything
but satisfactory. I may mention that all the principal Public
Officers have now been four months without salary. I myself
have an overdrawn account at the Bank of
British Columbia upon
which interest at the rate of eighteen per cent per annum is charged.
4. I am well aware that a new principle in
was attempted here and that it was intended that
British Columbia
should, from its earliest days, be self supporting. Its natural
resources were greatly overvalued by my predecessor and the local
correspondent of the "Times" and now instead of the population
steadily increasing there is considerable emigration from the
Colony. When I say that the resources were greatly overvalued I
do not in any way mean to say that were we nearer
to England or
in an insular position there would not be abundant attractions to
immigrants but unfortunately our future political destiny seems
unsettled, and we have to compete for population with California
one of the richest Countries in the world, highly favoured by
nature and by the Government of the United States. We have two
competing towns here, living in a continual state of irritation
against each other,
while in California the great resources of the
State are concentrated in
San Francisco, which has become at least
as attractive to the lower classes as any of the great cities of
the Eastern States.
5. Then the exuberant confidence of the Americans in the
future, depresses the minds of the English inhabitants of this
Colony, and the greater number of Miners and others who periodically
resort to this
place are aliens. It is believed by many that but
little interest is felt in England as regards
British Columbia.
6. I think it really would be good policy and good economy
if some pecuniary assistance was granted, either in the repayment
of the ten thousand seven hundred pounds (£10,700) charged for the
Engineers huts or of the eighteen thousand pounds (£18,000),
more or less, which the
Chilicoten expedition cost, the payment by
the Mother Country of
the Governor's Salary, or by showing in some manner that Her
Majesty's Government feel some sort of interest in this far portion
of Her dominions.
7. The mere fact that
Sitka, with all its disadvantages
of climate, soil and hostile natives, is now attracting attention
and enterprise through the Pacific States and Colonies, shews that
the American flag has certain charms for the unattached
of this coast.
8. I send a sample of the Articles which are appearing in
all the newspapers of
British Columbia,
Oregon and California,
[newspaper clipping as follows:]
Sitka fever has commenced to rage in this locality, and,
no doubt exists in quite a virulent form at
San Francisco. Already
visions of a great metropolis in the Polar regions and dreams of
sudden wealth by a rise in town lots begin to form the day dreams of
speculative citizens, and anxious inquiries are made as to when, a
steamer by means of which they may visit the locality and prospect
for "rich strikes," will arrive. The owners of the New World have
been approached with an offer for the trip, express themselves in
favor of accepting it should a sufficient number of passengers offer.
Minutes by CO staff
I think with
Governor Seymour, and always did think,
that the Treasury behaved with undue and short-sighted
rigor in forcing
British Columbia to pay for the huts built
by that great sham the Royal Engineer Garrison of the
Colony. But to get repayment must be out of the question.
As to Governor's salary, my own private opinion has
always been that whilst all other civil grants to Colonies
should be progressively curtailed and got rid of as soon
as possible, it is by no means unreasonable that in all
except the largest and richest Colonies the Imperial
Parliament should be asked to provide the salary of the
Governor, who is the connecting link between this Country
and the Colony. He is in a large measure an Imperial Officer,
and may therefore not unreasonably be paid from Imperial funds.
I cannot agree with this; unless the whole Empire,
incg Colonies will consent to pay for our Court at
home. The outskirts of Empire must pay for their vice
courts, or all pay for all.
The Engineers I thought only a part of the folly of
B. Columbia but the service was something. But the
Yankees will only think us green if we try to un-yankee them
by paying these expenses.
Other documents included in the file