No. 131
28th September 1867
My Lord Duke,
I have had the honor to receive Your Grace's despatches No. 20 of 29th April and No. 47 of 19th July, directing the payment of the sum of six hundred and seventy five pounds, two shillings and four pence (£675.2.4)claimedManuscript image claimed by the War Department for certain arms handed over to the Colony by Colonel Moody on his departure.
2. We have been making large remittances to the Crown Agents lately and of course Your Grace can order the payment should you think fit, but I would venture to make one or two observations for Your consideration.
3. In the first place the Military Stores of far greatervalueManuscript image value in the possession of Vancouver Island were an absolutely free gift from the Home Government and I cannot see why the Mainland should be treated with less favour, particularly as the arms presented to Vancouver Island had never been used. All the Indian fighting on the Island has been done by Her Majesty's ships of war at the expense of the Mother Country. On the Mainland, however, thearmsManuscript image arms, lent or given, have been used effectively against the native tribes, and an Indian insurrection suppressed at an expense to the Colony of from seventeen to eighteen thousand pounds. The Mother Country bearing no share in the struggle.
4. Our republican neighbours are now sending military garrisons to the territory recently purchased from Russia and I can assure Your GracethatManuscript image that the Colonists are beginning to contrast not over favorably the manner which they are treated by the Imperial Government with that accorded by the Authorities at Washington to the remotest citizens of the United States.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your most obedient,
humble Servant
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
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CC 4 Dec
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(I really think that this harping on the practice of the U.S. shd be stopped. "The remotest citizen of the U.S." is liable to be taxed by the Central Govt & therefore has a right to protection or aid from the Central Govt. But the Colonists of B.C.Manuscript image wd repudiate with one voice the right of Parlt to tax them for Imperial purposes, & have no right to claim aid from the Imperial Treasury.)
But Mr Cox what are the actual facts in wh this argument is founded by Mr Seymour?
FR 4/11
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Sir F.Rogers
In a despatch dated 19 Feby 1861 the Gov. of Vancouver Island, having reference to the means taken to preserve the tranquility of the Island, reported that in accordance with the suggestions of the HM Govt he had encouraged the promotion of a Volunteer Force, the only drawback being a want of Arms.
He therefore suggested that in consequence of the smallness of the Revenue 500 stand of Arms should be furnishedManuscript image to him, he engaging on his part to form a Volunteer Force that would be no discredit to the Empire. The Force was from the Colonial Population.
In consequence of this appeal 500 1st class Brunswick Rifles with a suitable supply of ammunition was given to them free of cost.
The bracketed part of your minute has been disposed of by a despatch already sent out.
CC 17/2
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This I suppose shd be considered with the general question of assistance.
FR 17/2
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It would be well if considering the [one word off microfilm] we made in sending out the R Engineers & considering the present needs of B.C. this could be [one word off microfilm] but repudiating assigned [one word off microfilm] of the request.
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I do not think the charge can be sustained it had better be dropped at once than after an argument & if arms were supplied free on the island I do not see the ground for charging on the mainland, even in this.
B&C 18/2
Other documents included in the file
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Rogers to Secretary of State for War, 26 February 1868, forwarding copy of the despatch and suggesting British Columbia be allowed to retain the arms free of charge.
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Cox
For consideration. I think this Dft will answer his Graces enquiry.
Seymour, Governor Frederick to Grenville, Richard 28 September 1867, CO 60:29, no. 11761, 265. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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