I have minuted each of these separately but HG will I think like
to receive & consider them together. I have kept them for some days
thinking there
wd be more in them than there is.
1200 A return of cash on hand & account with Bank of
B.C. to
y [marked "done"].
1201 A useful statement of receipts & expenditure for 3
quarters of
1867. To Treas
y [marked "done"].
1210 The Blue Book Report—with an account of the state of
the Colony—
wh appears advancing (qu Treas
y) [marked "done"].
1211 A Supplementary Appropriation Ord
ce for
1866 wh
shd go to Treas
y with the Ord
ce & Estimate for
1867 (11760)
[marked "done"].
Govr Seymour's appeal for a loan of £50,000. Print with
the papers now printing on
B.C. finance [marked "doing"].