Woodcroft to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Patent Office
March 22nd 1867
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of
9th inst., enclosing the copy of a Despatch from the
Governor of
British Columbia, inquiring if the Commissioners of
Patents would grant a set of their publications for the use of the
Public Library at
New Westminster, the Capital of the Colony.
In reply I am directed to acquaint you for the information of
the Secretary of State for the Colonies that the Commissioners of
Patents are willing to present a complete set of their publications
to the Government of
British Columbia for the use of the Public
Library at
New Westminster. A complete set of the Commissioners'
Works consists (at the present date) of more than 2,200 volumes;
and it increases at the rate of upwards of 100 volumes
annually—principally Specifications. In the grant to
Vancouver Island,
to which reference is make in your Letter and the Despatch, the
Specifications (then nearly 2,000 volumes) were not included, as
the Registrar General of the Island stated that they were not
required. If it be considered desirable that the same course

be followed in this instance, the Commissioners of Patents
will be equally willing to present copies of all their Works except
the printed Specifications.
I beg to add that in the early grants made by the Commissioners,
the Specifications having been sent from this Office unarranged and
unbound were found to be quite useless for reference. For this
reason and on account of the great value of the Works (the cost of
printing each set being nearly £2,000) and the large number of
Publications comprised in each set (the Specifications now
amounting to 57,769, with an annual increase of about 3,300)
the Commissioners decided that the Specifications must either be
bound or placed in cardboard cases (as used at this Office) at
the expense of the Donees. The cases can be obtained of a
Firm in
London at 2
d each. More than 2100 cases would be
The Commissioners of Patents expect that their Works will be
insured when sent abroad, in order that if any are lost, they may be
replaced by purchase.
On receipt of your reply, I will give instructions for the
selection of the Publications required.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
I think it
wd be prudent to consult the Governor before these
gifts are accepted. If this course be pursued write to the
Govr acc
ly & inform
Mr Woodcroft.
Has not the Governor asked for them? Is it necessary to delay
accepting them?
Accept & issue the works except the Specifications—as to which
refer to the Governor.
Other documents included in the file
Colonial Office to
30 March 1867, accepting the donation.
Minutes by CO staff
See last
page: we must not take for granted that all the world knows
the meaning of "Crown Agents," or where their office is.
It might
have been safer to give the address, but the Patent
Officers know the Agency already, having been referred to the Agents
in a similar case last year. W/2597/66
V. Couver Isd.
Other documents included in the file