No. 35
My Predecessor's Despatch No. 1 of the
18th of January 1867 and
mine No. 8 of the
21st of March, drew your serious attention to the
irregularities in the remittances from
British Columbia, both for
general purposes and for the vital object of meeting the interest and
Sinking Fund of the Public Debt.
I have now had further before me a letter of
the 7th November to
the Crown Agents signed by
Mr. Ball, acting Colonial Secretary,
requesting the Agents to provide for the interest and Sinking Fund by
drawing a Bill on the Colonial Government, and discount it with the
Bank of Columbia. The Bank of Columbia has refused to discount the
Bill. Considering the persistent default of the Colonial

Government in
its remittances, and the consequent discredit earned for the
Colony, this is not surprising.
An instruction to draw a Bill on the Colonial Government and to
attempt to negotiate it, is a futile and wholly inadequate mode of
discharging the duty of preserving the good faith of the Colony. I
have to instruct you that in future good Bank Bills of short date
should be purchased in the Colony, and sent to the Crown Agents in
full time to

mature before the payments of interest and Sinking Fund
fall due in
London. They should be purchased at least three months in
advance, and earlier if it should be necessary, in order to fulfil the
foregoing conditions.
I must recall to your attention my Despatch of 21st March No. 8 in
which I pointed out to you that liabilities in respect of the
Public Loans must stand in the position of primary charges on the