Dec: last Governor Seymour informed his Grace (1300) that he
intended to let both parties eat their Christmas dinner in peace
without letting them know that he had heard from his Grace on
the subject—& in 2607 led his Grace to expect

a further
communication by the next opportunity.
He now 6th
March sends home this Memorial but does not even allude to the
Capital question.
I would therefore refer you to the minutes on 2710—from which
it will be seen that it was proposed that if the next Mail
(this was on the
18 March) did not bring a decision from
Gov Seymour
it should at once be

settled here.
His Grace's despatch of the
1 Oct: last N
o 67 was in favor of
I should decide the question now and I should decide it in favor
Victoria on the simple ground that it is far more populous &
I shd not be inclined to go into the Harbour question, because it
is a question on wh, if people choose to argue, they may argue for
I think the dph
Mr Seymour understand that HG is not very well pleased
at having had the uncertainty & consequent agitation &
irritation kept up all this time.