No. 107
New Westminster
26th August 1868
My Lord Duke,
I have had the honor to receive Your Grace's despatch No. 40 of
26th June, on the subject of the opposition exhibited
the Legislative Council to the Draft Ordinance which was
transmitted to me in Your Grace's despatch No. 81 of
Novr 1867.
2. Though I anticipated, as now informed by Your Grace, that
the Draft was sent for our assistance and that it was not Your
desire to preclude the Government and Legislature from adopting
any other mode of dealing with existing anomalies yet
I caused
it to be introduced to the Council as a Government measure.
Most of the Public Officers requested me to
command them to vote for it, if it was to be carried, and unofficial
members begged me not to enforce the Bill. As stated in the
Minute I enclose, by the Acting Colonial Secretary, I might
possibly have got the Bill through by force, but I anticipated
Your Grace's
wishes and did not exert a pressure which would
virtually have changed the Legislative Constitution of the
Colony. I consented to amendments and, yielding by degrees,
finally allowed the Bill to be defeated, and another Bill
passed. That one I have now the honor to forward. It will
receive Your Grace's consideration as solving (in local belief)
in a manner, the difficulty now existing.
3. It will be satisfactory
to Your Grace to hear that during
the summer, when
Mr Chief Justice Begbie is on circuit in
the Interior, there is not much inconvenience in the present
state of things. Early in the winter I shall call the
Legislature together and finally settle the matter, if it be
not finally settled in the mean time by Your Grace's approval of
the Bill I enclose.
4. The Extreme illness of the Attorney General must
be my
excuse for the delay which has occurred in transmitting this
Bill. He has resumed his official duties this week.
5. I enclose copy of the Bill adopted by the Council and of the
Attorney General's Report upon it. I confess it does not
entirely satisfy me. It seems to invade the perogative of the
Governor and to Legislate in more detail than is required.
6. I need not say that whatever Your Grace's wishes
may be they
shall be carried out in the next Session of the Council.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient,
humble Servant.
Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
See 11070 & 11071.
The Sketch of an Ordinance respg the Supreme Court which was
sent from home was rejected after 2 days debate.
This Ordinance provides for a Supreme Court,
only one Chief Justice, & one or more Puisne Judges, &c &c.
This Act simply establishes a Supreme Court with a Chief &
Puisne Judge as if
Mr Needham &
Mr Begbie did not exist. And
this they do on the expectation that the Home
Govt from its
"wide spread patronage" will provide for one of the Judges.
Of course if the
Duke of Buckingham can & will provide for one
of their Judges in a manner with
wh that Judge

will be
satisfied, the Act
wh seems a perfectly good one abstractedly—may
be assented to by
the Queen—subject at least to a reference
to the Council Office as to the appeal to Privy Council, & to
the observation that Rules of Court need not be sent home for
the approval of the Crown in this country (SS XI).
But if HG has not the means of removing
Mr Needham or
Begbie, then I think the proper answer is that H.G. has perused this
Ordinance, but that it is impossible for him to submit it for
HM's approval inasmuch as it contemplates a Supreme Court
comprised of a Chief Justice & Puisne Judge & is therefore

to the existing state of things in
B. Columbia in
which unfortunately there exist at present two Chief Justices.
As to their arguments—the state of things is of course
inconvenient. But if they had any disposition to make the best
of it, there could not have been any real difficulty in
accepting the sketch ordinance making additional provisions when
their local knowledge disclosed a defect & in particular
providing that the authority of each Court (the writs &c) shd
run throughout the whole Colony—wh ought, I agree, to have
been explicitly laid down in the sketch.
But the fact is they want to force the Home
Govt to remove
the evil by refusing any proposal

for its effectual mitigation.
They are obliged however by mere force of inconvenience to
pass Act No. 3 (11070 herewith).
The rejection of this Ord
ce shows very imperfect Crown
t. Probably the removal of one CJ, even by
promotion, would be difficult. I fear
Sir F's 2
nd Draft ans
is the only one.
The question of removal of the judge to another appointment
rests much with the judge himself. I offered
Mr Needham a
transfer which his [peers?] in England thought he should accept
but on telegraphing to him he declined to accept, although
complaining much of his position & irregular & uncertain salary.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Copy of Supreme Courts Ordinance 1868 not on microfilm.
H.P.P. Crease, Attorney General, to
25 August 1868,
explaining why Council had rejected the sketch ordinance.
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Adderley, C. B.
Begbie, Matthew Baillie
Crease, Sir Henry Pering Pellew
Grenville, Richard
Needham, Joseph
Robinson, William
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Victoria, Queen Alexandrina
Young, William Alexander George
Places in this document
British Columbia