I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to
transmit, herewith, to be laid before the Secretary of State for
the Colonies a copy of a letter from
Rear Admiral Hastings,
Commander in Chief on the Pacific Station, asking instructions
relative to the payment of arrears of Colonial Pay to the
Detachment of Royal Marines at
San Juan, from
1st April to
31st Decr 1867.
By Treasury letters of
July 1860 &
April 1861, the Officers &
men of this
Detachment of Royal Marines were granted a colonial
rate of pay
equal to their Imperial Pay, and
the latter pay has been increased from
1st April 1867
under HM's Order in Council of
27 August 1867.
Under these circumstances my Lords are desirous of being
informed whether there is any objection to the payment of the
arrears in question.