Duke of Buckingham
I cannot help submitting that this Deed will be more naturally
kept in
B.C. than in England. The
Govt there have an

in it, since it is the root of all future Title to
VCI. The
Govt here have none. Questions arising out of it
will have to be fought out in all probability in
B.C., not here.
And if it is kept here it is likely to be forgotten or mislaid,
since there is no natural place for its custody—it m
t be
kept in this office, the Emig
n Office, the Record Office,
or elsewhere, & in
fifty years it will be forgotten what plan of custody had been
chosen. In
B.C. I take it for granted it
wd be impossible
to mislay or forget it.
I add a sentence to the dph—in case Y.G. shd adhere to
the opinion that it shd be sent to England.