I have the honor to submit to Your Grace a letter that I have
addressed to His Excellency the Governor of
British Columbia
intimating a desire to promote the construction of an Hydraulic
Lift at
Vancouver's Island, capable of raising vessels of a dead
weight of 3000 tons for repair or cleaning.
As the only aid asked of the Colony is limited protection against
competition and such minor assistance as it may be possible to
grant, it is hoped that Your Grace will so far promote the
undertaking as to forward the letter after perusal by the first
convenient opportunity with such notion of Your Grace's favor as
you may consider due to the undertaking.
I cannot, however, but urge upon Your Grace, the great
advantages that such a work would confer upon the Imperial
Government towards the efficient Maintenance of the Iron Clads
and other ships attached to H.M. Squadrons in the North Pacific:
also the great

difficulty that exists in providing funds for any
Engineering work in the present depressed state of the money
market; and as the capital required cannot be taken at less than
£130,000, I am desired respectfully to ask, whether, presuming
that the sum of £100,000 is raised in the ordinary way, Your
Grace would feel justified in recommending to the Government at
home, the grant of a sum of money
in aid, and if so, to what extent, always providing that
the work shall be commenced and completed at certain agreed

dates, and the lift and pontoons always placed at the prior
disposal and use of Her Majesty's Ships.
Trusting to Your Grace's favorable consideration.