I have received your Despatch of the
18th October reporting that
affairs were in a more satisfactory state in
Cariboo, and expressing
your hope that the liberty to detach Officers and men from Her
Majesty's Ships for the purpose of enforcing order, which was allowed
Hastings in conformity with the telegram of
18th of
September may not be withdrawn.
Their Lordships have informed me, and have instructed
Hastings that the Commanding Officers of Her Majesty's ships will
always be ready, at any place where they may be, to afford local aid
in support of law and order, but that their Lordships cannot
sanction as an established regulation
the sending of Officers and men
to a long distance from their ships, thereby rendering the ships
inefficient and possible endangering even their safety, and that any
measure of this kind can only be justified by such circumstances of
pressing and exceptional necessity as it is impossible to define
beforehand by rule.