The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury have had
before Them your Letter of the
22nd September, respecting the
application of
Mr Young, late Colonial Secretary of
Columbia for a Gratuity.
My Lords desire me to state, for the information of
Granville, that, though
Mr Youngs argument based upon the
compensation secured by Act of Parliament to Officers whose
offices were abolished in
New South Wales,
Victoria, &
when representative Institutions were granted to these Colonies
cannot be admitted as relevant, My Lords see no
objection to
His Lordship carrying out the proposal mentioned in Your Letter
13th August to write to the Governor that he would be glad
to hear the Legislative Council had voted
Mr Young a gratuity
on the loss of Office, proportionately to those granted to other
Officers, having regard to the circumstances of each case, and
of course to the fact of
Mr Youngs subsequent appointment.