Sir F. Sandford
I do not think this vote could have been included in the
Estimates for they were sent from the Colony in the beginning of
March. The Report of the Committee
wh the Bishop sends is
10 Feby, & the Col Sec
ys letter
21 June 69. He states
"special allowance will be made for this sum in future remittances."
It should however be reported & provision must be made for the
amount in the Col Estimates.
Mr Musgraves reply to the S of S despatch
5 Augt may reach this office about the
Middle of Octr?
The Bishop says any delay would cause great disappointment &
that a shipfull of Emigrants is likely to sail in Octr for
wh reasons he asks for the advance.
If it were not for the

Minutes on 8223 I should be inclined to
recommend that his Lordships request
shd be complied with & the
Govr informed.
I think we have now sufficient evidence in this report to
warrant our allowing the Crown Agents to make the payment of
£400 requested by the Colonial Secretary. The Bishop called to
report the extent to which he had proceeded in the matter
(believing that he had sufficient authority) & the extreme
inconvenience wh: wd be occasioned by any delay. He has
engaged a
lot of female Servants who are under contract to
serve certain families for 2 years—repaying part of their
passage money out of their wages—which are fixed at about £40 a year.
? allow—but point out a want of formality in proceedings to
the Governor.