I take the liberty of forwarding to you the enclosed letter of
introduction given me by my Fathers friend
Mr Avison. I was
anxious to deliver the same to you personally & explain more
fully my mission, but your

not being at home and my presence
being required in
London prevented me from so doing. I am sent
to this country from
British Columbia as a delegate to present
certain petitions from the colonists to the Government one of
which I beg to enclose & I should feel greatly obliged to you if
you would kindly help me in any way to further the difficult
tasks I have undertaken.
I venture to ask you in the first place for a letter to the
Prime minister as I am most anxious to obtain a short interview
with him, or the Sec: of State for the colonies to enable me to
bring my case before them. And secondly if you could give me
any letters of introduction to Members of Parliament they would
materially further my cause & I think after the explanations

I could give them would assist me. I regret troubling
you in the matter, but my deep anxiety to do the best I can for
the distant colony which I have been sent home to represent will
I trust excuse me for the liberty I have taken in writing to you.
Trusting that my request may meet with your favorable consideration.