No. 90
With reference to my Despatch No. 79 of the
5th August, I transmit
to you a copy of a letter from the
Bishop of British Columbia requesting
that the Crown Agents may be authorized to issue to him £400 on account
of the £700 which His Lordship states has been voted by the Government
British Columbia towards female Emigration to the Colony.
There is sufficient evidence in the Report enclosed by the Bishop
to warrant me in allowing the Crown Agents to comply with his request,
and at the same time to give effect to the wishes of your Government as
expressed in the Acting Colonial Secretary's letter of the 21st June.
I have accordingly issued the necessary instructions, but I have to
observe that both delay and correspondence would have been saved
if the
if the
matter had been properly reported to this Department.
Other documents included in the file
Bishop of Columbia to
1 September 1869, asking Her Majesty's Government to authorize the Crown Agents to pay over the £400
toward femaile emigration when required.